James River Air Conditioning, located in Richmond, VA, and serving Central Virginia, provides heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical, solar, geothermal, and energy savings services.
Monday, March 15th, James River Air president met with representatives from Earth Craft to discuss the plan for our idea house. Here are some pictures from the meeting as well as a video explaining Hugh's vision and motivation for the Idea House.
Here are some new pictures from our Idea House. New footings and preparing for the new subfloor. We are reusing materials wherever possible. Call us for more info! 358-9333.
James River has switched over several of our technicians from traditional vans, like E-250s, to Ford Transit Vans. With these, we get close to 20 miles a gallon instead of the 10-11 miles a gallon we get with the E-250s. It's all part of our focus on reducing energy usage both here at James River and for our clients.
Here's the size difference between the old vans (in this case, a Sprinter) and the new Ford Transit vans: